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Reservation Policy
No Show Policy

Please respect your fellow members by adhering to the Reservation & No Show policy:


  • Please reserve your session as early as possible and ideally at least 12 hours before the class start and at a minimum 2 hours prior to the class.  This helps the coach plan the session and it helps Gravity identify peak times/sessions so we can add more availability to the schedule as needed  


  • Please unreserve for a class as soon as you know you can’t attend it. This will allow another person more time to prepare and know that they have a class booked. This is just being kind to fellow members. The window to unreserve afternoon and evening classes closes 2 hours before your class time so be sure to unreserve by that time. Weekday Morning classes must unreserve 12 hours before the class start time.  Please refer to our No Show policy for sold out classes.  Also be aware that if you are on a waitlist for a spot in class and you go to bed not planning to attend (or check) to see if you made it into a class the next morning then be sure to unreserve. If you miss the class because you didn’t see the email it is still your spot, and you will be deemed a no-show 


  • You can book up to 10 weeks in advance but it is your responsibility to check your schedule and cancel where situations change




If you book into a session but do not show or cancel, it means that someone else cannot attend that session.  We can appreciate there are last minute change of circumstance, bad traffic, work emergency, etc… but to keep things simple and fair for everyone this policy is one that pertains to everyone at all times


What is a No Show?


  • Making a reservation and not showing up

  • Showing up too late for class to be granted access (10 minutes is our cutoff. If you missed the warm up, you are not permitted to enter class - a safety consideration)

  • Being added to a class from a waitlist and then not showing up (The responsibility falls on you to remove yourself from a waitlist if you cannot attend) 


When does a No Show matter?


  • If a class is sold out and you have taken a spot and not used it, this is when it matters and comes with warnings and ultimately a penalty


Penalties for No Show:


  • If a class is sold out and you do not show, you will receive a polite warning and reminder to cancel next time.  This will be the case for a second no show.  Subsequent no shows will incur a penalty of $25 + GST for wasting the spot. This applies to no shows and arrivals that are turned away for arriving too late




  • If you were notified of being added from the waitlist AFTER the cancellation window has passed, you can forward that notification to us (proving you weren’t given proper notice) to excuse you from the No Show penalty

  • Other than the exception listed above there are NO EXCEPTIONS


Can I contact someone to get removed from a class if I have missed the cut off?

  • No, please don’t call, text, email or message us for this. Don’t ask a coach in person. Whatever your reason may be, there is no longer enough notice to give the spot to someone else. It is YOUR spot


Can I give my spot away to someone in the Gravity app? 

  • NO. This destroys the point of our waitlist

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